Get Involved with The Bear Mountain Trails Project

Volunteer Informationhighline

Join us at beautiful Bear Mountain for a fun day of trail building! Take to the trails and have our on-staff field managers and Trail Conference Conservation Corps members teach you a variety of trail building skills, such as:

  • Prepping work sites
  • Gathering and/or splitting stone
  • Using an overhead highline to transport stone (kind of like a zipline for stones!)
  • Crushing stones (with mash and sledge hammers)
  • Building stone retaining walls (crib walls)
  • Setting rock steps
  • Helping revegetation (breaking up compacted soil and replanting uprooted plants)

Bring your lunch, plenty of water, sturdy workshoes, and long pants.
Tools, materials, and training will be provided. Gloves, safety glasses, and hard hats, which are REQUIRED while on the worksite, will also be provided. 
We bring the tools, and you bring the muscle!

Get Involved

  • Please sign up online,  so we know to expect you!
  • And after crushing your third work trip, you've earned yourself a Trail Conference Volunteer T-Shirt!
  • If you have any questions about our meeting location or driving directions, please don't hesitate to contact our crew leaders!
  • Worried about a weather cancellation? - call the crew between 7:00am and 8:00am that morning for updates.
  • Be Prepared: You will get a great work out from these work trips, and it is a lot of fun!

Get There

  • Is Bear Mountain far from home?  Volunteer at Bear Mountain and stay at our camp nearby.
  • Coming from NYC and don't have a car?  Take the Metro North to Garrison Station and we will pick you up. Please let us know 48 hours in advance.

Get your trail building skills up to speed with Trail U


Trail U courses are offered at Bear Mountain throughout the season to gain insight and experience in the field and learn trail building skills.  Check out the Trail U schedule and search for courses with Bear Mountain as the location.

If you're interested in getting involved, please contact us at [email protected]!