Code for Special Formatting of some blocks and green rules

To add a dark green bar at top of a light green block (see Trail Mix on home page):

Can only be done when adding a block to a pane on a panel page (eg, home page)

  • Click Override title and type in desired block title for display
  • in the field CSS-class (below block body): type: todays-highlights
  • Save block and panel


To add a dark green bar at top of a light brown block (See HOTW)

Can only be done when adding a block to a pane on a panel page (eg, home page)

  • Click Override title and type in desired block title for display
  • in the field CSS-class (below block body): type: search-for-hikes
  • Save block and panel

To add space top and bottom on green rule around white headline (H2 in TinyMce) as in Scheduled Hikes, type code before and after text as follows around "Sunday, January 17":

  • <h1 class="scheduled-hikes">Sunday, January 17</h1>