Content issues

  • Analytics on home page use (drop-down menusvslinks in blocks)
  • Home page content/format changes-to allow more news and features
  • Develop a process for accepting hike descriptions from public; schedule an in-person meeting to bring parties together
  • Theme the new NY & NJ trails and parks view pages (I think they may eventually outpace the existing full-themed view/hike; thenyone is already in the top ten for the past 6 months and it was only implemented in December)
  • Add sponsor blocks to those NY-NJ view pages
  • NY Walk Book is a content/ type rather than a product/ type (Walt knows about this)-hundreds of links affected
  • Region pages: Suggestions for fields, etc to come on Monday after a meeting with Development team
  • Note: I plan to post a volunteer request for an Editorial Assistant(s), with the idea that such a person can help with various TC projects, including the web

Comment: Please be relevant, civil, non-commercial.

Phil McLewin's picture

Here are some random thoughts that occur me to on this rainy Saturday:
  • I hope we can find a way to make the Map tab the default, rather than the Photo tab, in the parks database.  Last time we tried this a technical problem prevented the maps from showing properly.
    • The ParkMap field format should not be defaulted to Rich Text [because it never loads when in edit mode].  Is the alternative "filtered HTML"?
  • Same "Tab" recommendation for the Regions database, except that I cannot find an edit field to upload a Google location map.
  • The new "Historic" field should be publically displayed in the Parks database.  I'd suggest putting it where "Dogs" are now, and move that field to the lower half of the public page.
    • Thinking about public field displays, Trail Miles and Park Acreage both show results that includes "miles" and "acres" respectively.  Shouldn't we just see raw numbers to avoid this redundancy?
  • I think it would help training new volunteers who edit the parks and regions databases -- probably hiking too -- if the edit fields followed the same order as the public pages.
  • Access to the Regions database should be from the home page.  It is effctively hidden now behind the "GoHiking/Trails Overview Map" links -- who could tell this directs the visitor to the trail conference regions?  Maybe under the "Trail Finder" box something like "NY & NJ Hiking Regions" could be added -- linked to the Trails Overview Map page.
    • I also wonder if on the hikes page it would be helpful for visitors to have a link named "NY & NJ Hiking Regions" leading to TrailsOverview page. 
Phil McLewin's picture

E-mail regarding the prospect of 100 additional parks from Westchester County:

This raises something I forgot to include in my "Tweaks" suggestions on the "Content Issues" page.    As the view/parks database gets larger and larger a helpful navigation tool would be a set of alphabet tabs or a box to type in letters taking the visitor deeper into the list.  I suspect the view/hikes database is even larger.

webmaster's picture

Here are a few good links on handling putting copyrighted materials on our website.



webmaster's picture

Some good comments on how to handle stuff that doesn't play by the stated rules.