Share Your Photos using Flickr™ for “Monthly Picks”

Share Your Photos using Flickr™ for “Monthly Picks”

We will feature some of your best shots in this page. Please upload your images using the the instructions below..

Upload your photos in Flickr™, join “nynjtc” group and tag the photos with “NYNJTC-Pick2011”

Follow the steps below if you need more information.

Flickr is an online photo sharing web site that is made up of many groups, including a group called “nynjtc” (New York-New Jersey Trail Conference).

  1. Log on - To submit your photos via Flickr™, use your Yahoo!® ID to login to If you do not have an account, you can sign-up for free.
    1. Join The New York-New Jersey Trail Conference’s Flickr group – Join New York-New Jersey Trail Conference’s group by clicking If you are already a member, you don’t have to do this.
    2. Upload an image – Upload your image to Flickr™ using the upload photos tools on the page.
    3. Send the Image to Our Group - Browse to the image you wish to submit, and use the "Action” button and then choose “Add to Group" from the drop down menu above the image to add your photograph to “nynjtc” group.
    4.  Tag it! – Go to "Action”  button again and then use “Add a tag" from drop down menu to tag each photo with “NYNJTC-Pick2011” through the "tag" feature in the right-hand column of the individual photo's page.

It’s easy! You are done

Fine Print – Legal and Copyright

You will retain all rights to any photograph you submit — including ownership if applicable — other than those rights licensed in the next sentence.

By submitting your photo to our “Monthly Picks”, you hereby grant to New York-New Jersey Trail Conference (i) a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free license to reproduce, distribute, publicly display and publicly perform the photographs you submit to New York-New Jersey Trail Conference, and (ii) the right to use your name, city, state and country of residence in promotions and other publications.