I love my Parks Day at Minnewaska

Crew Name: 
Project/Trail Location: 
Mossy Glen Trail at Minnewaska
Contact name: 
Sona Mason
Contact phone: 
Project Description: 

Beautiful Mossy Glen Trail needs your help!

Now that it has two beautiful artisanal foot-bridges, the trail could use some love.

Come fix drainage and tread with us: We will train attendees how to move rocks, raise and fortify trail tread levels and create appropriate drainage pathways for runoff.

 Refreshments, Free Tees, and stainless steel water bottles (while they last - so come early)

Bring long pants, water and lunch. We will provide gloves and tools.


Please sign up here or  call Sona  (845) 664-0417 to receive exact location details.

Project date: 
Contact email: 
Crew Outing