Volunteer Committee Meeting 08-14-2008

Thu, 08/14/2008 - 13:30 to Thu, 08/14/2008 - 15:00

New York – New Jersey Trail Conference                   
Volunteer Committee
August 14, 2008
1:00 PM


1.    Volunteer Handbook review

2.    Recognition Program  -  follow up

3.    Mission Statement

4.    Budget?


Status of Minutes: 

1.    Volunteer Handbook Review
Comments on the draft had been submitted to the committee by Estelle Anderson, Dan Chazin and Kathleen Stewart.  These suggested changes and others were reviewed and discussed.  Mary Anne Massey will update and redistribute the draft prior to the next meeting.

It was agreed the handbook needs to:
•    Include an overview, and introductions by both the Executive Director and the Board Chair
•    Define the Trail Conference regulations, policies and practices as they pertain to the volunteers of the Trail Conference
•    Provide information on the organization, and emphasize why the Trail Conference needs volunteers
•    Be generic – in that it will not provide job-specific references; but will be accompanied or supplemented by a cover letter, specific to the volunteer and their assigned duties.

It was agreed the handbook will not:
•    Provide task-specific safety training.  For example, chainsaw safety training for trail crews will be the responsibility of their supervisor.

2. Recognition Program - follow up
•    5 years and up - Mary Anne Massey exhibited a fold-up bag for these volunteers.   She will obtain a cost estimate.  Ed Goodell suggested we look at "Humanities" for a Volunteer Recognition grant.  Mary Ann Massey noted that she used to work for them.
•    25 years or more - Jane Daniels showed catalog photos of micro-fleece vest or jacket with 1/4 zip.  Price range varied from $12 to $20 depending on quantity purchased.  No color choice will be offered - just the jacket or vest option.  Jane will not submit an order until she has examined a sample garment.

Joshua Howard suggested that volunteers be recognized by listing their names in the Trail Walker newsletter.  Jane Daniels felt that a personal note or postcard would also be a good idea.  Ed Goodell suggested a handwritten note to the volunteer leaders, but Jane Daniels was concerned that some leaders may not let their volunteers know.

Catherine Gemmell showed the committee the current draft design for the volunteer t-shirts, indicating that the graphic was not particularly volunteer or trail-related.  It was decided to use last year's design but have different colored t-shirts.
3. Volunteer Committee Charge - not discussed

4. Budget:  $5,600 has been budgeted for the 2008-2009 financial year.
•    Volunteer recognition: (total $5000)
1.    $2,000 for 500 general volunteer t-shirts
(Bear Mountain t-shirt costs will be paid from the BM Project budget);
2.    $2,000 for all 25+ year volunteer fleece shirts
3.    $250 per quarter for certificates and other achievement awards

•    Volunteer handbook & background checks: $600

5. Action Items:
•    Mary Anne Massey  to update the Volunteer Handbook based on the changes discussed in today’s meeting;
•    Chris Connolly Item #2 from the handbook – Insurance.  - to check and get clarification    
•    Catherine Gemmell – T-shirts – select colors; get bids; place order
•    Mary Anne Massey – will email all committee members the price of the bag she presented at the meeting
•    Catherine Gemmell – to get approximate counts of all 5+ and 25+ year volunteers.
•    Daniel Van Engel – to compose a draft volunteer thank you letter

Next meeting will be held on September 25, 2008 at 1 pm.