2010-05-03 Web Design status meeting

Web Design
Mon, 05/03/2010 - 00:00

1. Special Topics:

Items in bold below are scheduled for discussion.

2A. Subteam status reports - first and third Mondays

* Office status (Josh)

* Google Analytics and Theming (Doug)
-- activities for new volunteers

* Social Networking (Doug-acting)

* Content (Georgette)
-- Migrating old site pages to current (or D6) site

* Business model (Ann)

-- Review current volunteer job postings -- update if need be.

-- Engaging new volunteers meaningfully.

2B. Technology status reports - second and fourth Mondays

-- Current site:
Requests from staff and committees
-- Priority of Catherine's request to add required fields to workshop and volunteer opportunity sign-ups.

-- Drupal 6 (Walt)
-- ebase
-- CRM (Walt -acting)

3. Set goals for next couple of weeks

4. Specific action items requiring discussion.
Review outstanding actions

Meeting schedule:
Next meeting: phone or office?

Parking lot (for later discussion):

Groups audience: 

Kevin, Josh,, Georgette, Walt, Ann


1. Special Topics:

2A. Subteam status reports - first and third Mondays

* Office status (Josh)

In Drupal 6, turned on anonymous checkout to see how it works. What vanilla
Ubercart looks like.

Discussion of implementing Paypal vehicle for donations sans registering on D5. Walt expects to have it implemented within a week. Delay spring appeal until then - ok with Kevin. Link to donate page in the email would stay the same. Kevin to work on language for page and email.

TIS - should we set up another conference call to review status? TIS working on help system, etc. May get rid of Trend Micro - continuing problems and site license too costly. Marcos installed clients and QuickBooks last week. Still need date for inventory. Help desk is a Web client that you access - Josh has url. If not good progress by the 14th, Josh will set up a meeting.

* Google Analytics and Theming (Doug)
-- activities for new volunteers - review with Doug next time we talk with him.

* Social Networking (Doug-acting)

830 people on Facebook page now. (Was 660 two weeks ago.) Fan page doing nicely. Doug adds regularly. Auto feeds to Facebook and Twitter. Over 600 followers on Twitter.

* Content (Georgette)
-- Migrating old site pages to current (or D6) site

-- Content for eWalker so things can be tracked by GA - Georgette to follow up with Doug on what needs to be done.

-- Volunteers more interested in off-Web work (developing content).
-- Migrating stuff to current site. What's being used has for the most part been migrated. Old Trail Walkers have been moved to new site. Are there any links to old TWs? Georgette doesn't think so. Science pages - keep for history? Georgette suggests no as info in old TWs.
-- Camping pages - possible assignment for new volunteer. "Finding camping online."

-- Phil's stuff with the hikes ... template to be used. Need to develop procedure for maps, gps, images.

-- Walt working with Stefanie - getting GPS tracks. Has gone on two of Daniel's hikes.
Need to set up meeting re implementing maps with hikes. Walt to see if Stefanie can be available next week for a meeting.


* Business model (Ann)

Review current volunteer job postings - update if need be.
Engage new volunteers meaningfully.

Kevin: use what we do for Web - Internet model for volunteer support. Speculative as source for additional funding. Self-organizing army of volunteers.

2B. Technology status reports - second and fourth Mondays

-- Current site:
Requests from staff and committees
-- Priority of Catherine's request to add required fields to workshop and volunteer opportunity sign-ups. Give to Kipp to do for D6.

Member relations - cultivate members, TLC, arranging meetings, etc.
-- Drupal 6 (Walt)

To try out new site go to d6.nynjtc.net

Ubercart changes and retheming of membership and donation pages are the big missing chunks right now.

-- ebase
-- CRM (Walt -acting)

3. Set goals for next couple of weeks

4. Specific action items requiring discussion.
Review outstanding actions

Meeting schedule:
Next meeting: phone or office?

Parking lot (for later discussion):