Volunteer Committee Meeting 11/18/10

Thu, 11/18/2010 - 13:00 to Thu, 11/18/2010 - 15:00

1.         Awards

                        Status of current plans

                        ?Long sleeve T shirts


2.         Our insert in the TW for Volunteer week

3.         Committee Objectives review

                        Planning for the year

4.         Survey

5.         New members to committee


Dan Van Engel, Chris Connolly, Jane Daniels, Catherine Gemmell, Bob Jonas, Ken Malkin, Estelle Anderson. Guest: Georgette Weir
Status of Minutes: 

Chris Connolly (CC): Volunteer orientation meetings, other similar items must continue as it is a good recruitment tool. Set up TM 101, Orientations, etc. on a regional basis.

RJ: Vol. Orientation too centralized in Mahwah, need to center training in NY areas.

CG: Regional Reps are to be responsible for their areas.

DVE: Have a power point program for Vol. Orientation, showing people working and interacting. Explain the jobs, office & trail; folks can understand how a job would fit with his/her lifestyle.

DVE: re: Awards and Recognition. - We have DSA - Distinguished Service Award - Annual Awards Suggests we also have V-M as recognition, where an award is not exactly a fit. DVE, would you clarify V-M

CG: New volunteers (on & off trail) should be listed in Trail Walker and be welcomed. G. Weir attended our meeting and says will do this.

GW/DVE re: our Volunteer insert in Trail Walker. List of volunteer names per years of service; 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 15. The insert will be a middle spread in TW; consisting of photos / thanks / recognition. GW needs photos!! And more ideas!!

DVE: List of names and insert in TW should be done every year to thank volunteers; and recruit more volunteers.

RJ: Photos of trail work would be good for this insert. He will check his archives and with crew chiefs as well.

DVE: Review of our goals: vacancy rate - trail & non-trail vacancies - crew positions.

Jane Daniels has resigned as an active member of our Committee. She will still be getting the minutes and may/will comment. Thank you Jane for your experience and input!

Discussion of new member for Vol. Comm. Possibly from a club. CC feels ADK is not practical to draw from.

DVE: perhaps we don't need a new member at this time since the big projects of Vol. Handbook and Youth Policy are done. Will review this situation again in the future.

Next meeting will be Jan. 6th 2011 at 1:00 pm in Mahwah. Guest will be Chris Ingui

Happy New Year Everyone!

By: Estelle Anderson Nov 18 2010