Due to the recent Jennings Creek Wildfire, there are closures in Sterling Forest State Park, Long Pond Ironworks State Park, and throughout the southern New York and northern New Jersey portion of the long-distance Highlands Trail. Specifics on these closures are listed below:
Long Pond Ironworks State Park Trail Closures:
- Hasenclever Iron Trail
- Jennings Hollow Trail
- Sterling Ridge Trail
- Highlands Trail

Sterling Forest State Park Trail Closures:
- Trails north of 17A and east of Long Meadow Road are open for recreational use. Trails in the remaining sections of the park remain closed until further notice.
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These trails will be closed until further notice to allow for areas to regenerate and to keep users safe as trails are assessed for damage. For more information and the latest updates on the fire, please visit the park websites at Sterling Forest State Park, Long Pond Ironworks State Park, and Ringwood State Park.