Strategic Goal: Trail Standards Subcommittee Old


Divide problem into four major subgoals:

  1. Trail Maintenance
  2. Trail classification
  3. Trail standards per class
  4. Trail construction/repair/design to meet standards

Outcome: Meet all the subgoals


Subgoal 1. Trail Maintenance 4Q12

Goal: 100% of trails covered with over 90% in acceptable or better condition


  1. Develop roving crews to fix coverage issues of vacant trail segments.
  2. Refine the Trail Maintenance Guide to accommodate new trail classification system.
  3. Train maintainers to the new Guide.
Outcome: Meet goal
Subgoal 1.1 Develop roving crews to fix coverage issues of vacant trail segments 2Q10
  1. Determine number of workers needed
  2. Recruit roving crews
Outcome: 100% of trails get two visits per year (or more or less depending on specific trail's need by exception process).

Subgoal 1.2  Refine the Trail Maintenance Guide to accommodate new trail classification system 4Q12
Outcome: New Trail Maintainer's Guide that covers new standards

Subgoal 1.3 Train maintainers to the new Guide. 4Q12
Outcome: Near 100% of maintainers trained.

Task 1.1.1 Determine number of workers needed 3Q09

Determine number of workers needed and suggest crew composition (1 or 2 people?). Determine whether these are per chair or regional. Write job description.

Notes: Initially these crews will encounter some pretty defective trails that need a lot of work. Blazing goes much faster with 2 people. They may require extensive trimming, even power brush cutters.

Outcome: Ready to recruit

Task 1.1.2 Recruit roving crews 4Q12

Recruit roving crews and get them trained Notes: consider gradually building up more crews, starting small to develop a good program.

Outcome: Sufficient crews to get the work done