2009-02-02 Web Design status meeting

Web Design
Mon, 02/02/2009 - 00:00

Old Business:

1. Agenda modifications

2. Subteam status reports

* Content (Georgette)

* Technology (Walt)

* Business model (Ed)

3. Web redesign status

* Items for Trellon call this week
* Review input from Josh and Catherine -- Meet with Josh at 2:30.

4. Specific action items requiring discussion.

See http://new.nynjtc.net/meeting/actions

Discuss which items have highest priority in the coming week. (Please review open items ahead of time to propose your candidates.)

5. Review launch plan and set goals for next week.

See http://new.nynjtc.net/book/nynjtc-web-site-launch-plan

New Business:

Invite someone to next status meeting?

Groups audience: 

Ed, Ann, Georgette, Ken, (Josh Howard)


Old Business:

1. Agenda modifications

2. Subteam status reports

* Content (Georgette)

  1. Completed stories about launch for Trail Walker.
  2. Pre and post March 1 -- discussed how to refer to finding things on the Web from articles and sections in other parts of Trail Walker.
  3. Gayle done with Dutchess parks -- out for review; working on NYC parks.
  4. Gerogette needd picture of Doug.
  5. Have input from Josh and Catherine.
  6. Larry has volunteer to do photo database -- whatever one it is. Walt's choice is ResourceSpace (?) (can tag pictures multiple ways; clunky for our uses as designed for large magazine shop.)
  7. Ken -- looking for priorities on what to do next. Started maps -- take longer than expected, but willing to do. Will do maps for Parks but only parking areas if he is familiar with the park.
  8. Review all the hikes to confirm checklist of items is ok -- Georgette will do. (Walt to put checklist in user guide.)
  9. Offsite links -- pop a new window or tab. In html insert target="_blank" before href or before style="color for google maps. (Run rich text disabled.)
  10. Discussion: Should we set global default for edited to rich text disabled? (Walt to do. (DONE) It may not make much difference for existing content though.)
  11. Region in parks should be a clickable link. Walt to add URL field for parks and hikes. (not high priority before launch).

* Technology (Walt)
Action items -- discuss below. Pruned modules (6 packages, each of which has several modules within it) & things seem faster. Figure out what we want Trellon to do (see below).
Trying to edit privacy policy ...

Add feedback block to capture user comments as they explore the new site. (Walt to do.)

* Business model (Ed)
Google grants -- call re advertising. Cannot get income from AdSense if have Google grants. But it may be that we could sell ads directly -- if not, just give away to our partners. Doug needs to complete rate sheet. He'll also create banners to promote our own products. May want to have it so that if one buys a Trail Walker ad, also can get space on site.

Privacy policy -- revising for new site.

  • Need to clarify opt-in / opt-out policy. Continue existing policy: Never share phone or email; may occasionally share snail mail with other hiking organizations.
  • Team prefers opt-in to opt-out. Of course, we will contact you if problems with your order.
    If collect private data, would only report in aggregate.
    Go all the way thru checkout then next page is "opt-in, opt-out" preferences. See "change membership records" on old site (but capwiz path not working).

3. Web redesign status

* Items for Trellon call this week

  • Critical piece -- getting store up by March 1.
    • Verisign unchanged.
    • Ed would like to test Google checkout as well (Verisign charges, Google is free.) -- do after March 1.
    • Walt noted that online database created by Zencart now is not being used by TC office. (Gary)
  • Getting rid of modules; install memcache
  • Additional theming -- registration profile.
  • Breadcrumbs messed up.
  • IE performance issues.

* Review input from Josh and Catherine -- Meet with Josh at 2:30.
Look under Get Involved to see structure.

  1. Join/Renew: Gift -- needs work -- shipping info with comment ... needs personalization. (Josh) Also, make gifts a shippable product. (Walt)
  2. Group and club memberships -- static info for March 1 launch. Design interactive join/renew for groups and clubs in Phase 2.
  3. In membership page -- add link for member clubs to join/renew. Josh to review content (hasn't done that yet).
  4. Shopping cart appears in wrong place on page. (bug)
  5. Need to replicate content of brochure on web pages -- segment into multiple web pages. (Graphics from Lou. All the people who give us 10% off.) Josh will ask Lou to contact Walt to determine how to make brochure content Web-ready.
  6. Donate: ways to give, etc. Josh still has to look at content for Donate page and make recommendations.
  7. Georgette will put up Josh's content.
  8. Walt needs stuff from Josh "real soon" --two or three days.
  9. Catherine's flow shown on Get Involved page -- still need content behind it. Wanted to work on theming for forms, but not for Phase 1 -- too complex.

4. Specific action items requiring discussion.

See http://new.nynjtc.net/meeting/actions

  1. Volunteer info form == get Trellon to theme for us? Need to add Web as item to check (Publications/Web Content, Education, Technology) -- get Catherine to advise on what check boxes to implement. (Georgette to do?)
  2. Overview map -- is what's there now good to launch? Or do we have to remove it. (Ann to investigate.)
  3. Kill Sponsored link box.
  4. Georgette needs to have good screen capture of home page for Trail Walker.
  5. Walt to move Spotlight to right column.


5. Review launch plan and set goals for next week.

See http://new.nynjtc.net/book/nynjtc-web-site-launch-plan

New Business:

Invite someone to next status meeting? (No)