2009-02-09 Web Design status call

Web Design
Mon, 02/09/2009 - 00:00

Old Business:

1. Agenda modifications

NOTE: This status meeting will be a conference call.

2. Subteam status reports

  • Technology (Walt)
  • Business model (Ed)
  • Content (Georgette)

3. Specific action items requiring discussion.

See http://new.nynjtc.net/meeting/actions

4. Review launch plan and set goals for next week.

See http://new.nynjtc.net/book/nynjtc-web-site-launch-plan

  1. Items for Trellon to do
  2. Other launch issues and things needed.

New Business:

Invite someone to next status meeting?

Groups audience: 

Ann, Ed, Walt, Georgette, Ken, Doug (briefly at start)


Note -- these minutes are not edited for clarity yet -- I posted them as I took them so they would at least be here.  I'll try to edit them again soon.  -- Ann

Old Business:

1. Agenda modifications 

2. Subteam status reports

* Technology (Walt)
Fixed a bug of technical nits -- new fields for Catherine, etc. Store is mostly working correctly.
Get low level payment stuff working for store. Then fix usability issues.
Feedback from Hedy on Membership ... add to Go Shopping category. (Georgette added it today.)
"Other stuff -- two categories as not everything is discounted."
Darlington image problem -- Walt to delete bad page.
Three major todos: left menu, tabs on our Web page, work with Trellon on store
Ask Trellon about protections when two people editing the same page so work isn't lost -- is there something we can install?

* Business model (Ed)
Still waiting to hear from Eric Werner on AdWord campaign.
For Trellon relationship -- what is practice on phone calls? Walt would like to be able to contact tech expert for quick advice on something.
This is not the boilerplate for the 75-hour services package.

* Content (Georgette)
(see email. Also work on left side.)
Use of Interstate font in header art.
For Hikers' Almanac -- includes personal info. Should it? Initially, copy and paste. Later, a database. Avoid using email addresses (target for spammers). Phone numbers are also an issue. For launch, link to club Web site instead of including phone # and email? Or call clubs and get their permission. (Walt will investigate if can protect fields so only logged on users can see it -- phase 2)
Membership content -- still missing content for top of Join/Renew page. Give it to Walt to implement. Josh to own content & work with Trellon.


3. Specific action items requiring discussion.

See http://new.nynjtc.net/meeting/actions


4. Review launch plan and set goals for next week.

See http://new.nynjtc.net/book/nynjtc-web-site-launch-plan
* Items for Trellon to do
Turn notes into work order...

Re: Store -- office needs credit card working.
1. Give link to launch plan to Josh -- he should id what he needs and talk with Alonza; get quote from Alonza; implement as we decide.
2. Walt offered to talk with Josh on Wed. Josh or Ed to decide what needs to be done.

* Other launch issues and things needed.

New Business:

Invite someone to next status meeting?
Next meeting will be 9:30 am phone call

Doug -- what's difference between Catalog page and Go Shopping page?
Images needed -- will work to provide. Walt to make list of which ones.
Lou is asking about parameters for member benefits page ...
Ed will ask Lou to provide brochure to Doug.

March 4-6 Drupal conference in D.C.