EH-RTC June 12, 2017

East Hudson Regional Trails Council
Mon, 10/02/2017 - 17:45 to Mon, 10/02/2017 - 20:45

Goals for the meeting

  • Learn about the Trail Management Guide 
  • Participate in hands on succession planning 
  • Share information about trail projects

5:45 Networking and dinner
6:15 Meeting

  • Additions to the agenda
  • Approve minutes
  • Announcements 

6:25 Succession Planning - Herb Hochberg, former Trails Chair for Westchester Trails Association

  • Hands on exercise for sucession planning

6:50 Trail Management Guide -

  • What it is
  • Ways it is useful 

7:15 Reports from Headquarters

  • Policy Council - John Magerlein, Fred Stern
  • Publications 
    • FDR State Park map
    • East Hudson Maps
    • Westchester Map set

7:45 Reports from the Region

  • Trail Approvals and Updates
    • Hudson Highlands Gateway 
    • Peekskill
    • Manitou Point
    • Yorktown Granite Knolls West - Trail Closures 
    • Breakneck Ridge and the Fjoird Trail
    • Bayswater Trail, Far Rockaway
  • What have you accomplished this year and looking ahead to the next season
    • Conservation Corps - 
    • East Hudson Trail Crew - Andrew Seirup
    • Fahnestock - Bridge Three  -John Magerlein
    • Lewisboro - Rose Bonanno

8:45 Adjourn



Jeremy Apgar, Marilyn Blaho, Rose Bonanno, Geof Conner, Jane Daniels, Walt Daniels, Mary Dodds, Gary Haugland, Karen Magerlein, John Magerlein, MK Moore, Hank Osborn, Ron Rosen, Andrew Sierup, Connie Stern, Fred Stern,

Status of Minutes: 

EHRTC Meeting June 12, 2017

Goals for the meeting

  • Voice opinions about the trail approval process
  • Share information about trail projects


6:15 Meeting

Attending:Marilyn Blaho, Rose Bonanno, Geoff Conner, Jane Daniels, Walt Daniels, Jim Haggett, John Magerlein, ,  MK Moore, Hank Osborn, Andrew Seirup, Connie Stern, Fred Stern, Bob Ward

There were no additions to the agenda.

Approval of minutes from the last meeting moved by Bob Ward and seconded by Rose Bonanno. 

Jane asked that if photos are submitted to her powerpoint show, they should go directly into powerpoint.  Since some said they could not find minutes of last meeting,  Jane offered to assist anyone who could not access the minutes on the website.


Jane announced that the TC has been asked to host the 2020 ATC Biennial. Hank announced that the new East Hudson maps due out this fall will show changes to trails.

6:25 Reports from Headquarters

Policy Council

Fred reported that safety guidelines were approved just last week but the implementation plan will take time to roll out.

Now underway, the revision of the Trail Maintenance manual.  It was suggested new illustrations would also be helpful. Anyone interested in helping should let Fred know.

The Trail Use Policy caused a controversy of hiking v. mountain bike usage.  The first draft was not satisfactory. It is possible that the Trail Conference can use social media and videos to educate users about proper trail usage.

Major policy implelementation of safety standards for volunteers should include first aid kit, helmets when work justifies.  Rose suggested online workshops easily reach volunteers than trying to assemble groups.

Website - update with questions and answers - Walt Daniels

Walt reported that the website still has open issues. Reporting is not ready to roll out in the immediate future.  Until then, use spread sheets.

Trail Approvals

The trail approval process is now in draft form.  Walt went through the process as it stands point by point for changes to existing trails or adding a new trail.  The form is to be filled out by project manager, seeking approval, and each application should have the proper approvals from TC staff and land manager signing off. This is in draft stage and suggestions or additions can be made.   MK Moore suggested a FAQ section to assist the applicant of the different ways to input information. 

Reports from the Region 

Bob Ward asked that a new trail in Flushing Meadow-Corona Park be approved. As it turns out the park would like the trail publicized and a hike there would encourage usage. Jane will follow up with Dan Chazin about doing a hike there.

Andrew (EH LTC) reported on a successful trail work day at Bannerman Island where a crew of 12 improved a  major trail where a wall was collapsing and extensive work was done to improve trails over rocky areas.

Rose (Westchester LTC reported on Partners Breakfast where Geof Conner presented an award to John Baker.  Featured presentation was Fred’s Beaver Peever video showing work at Teatown to reduce beaver incursions. Good food and a chance for park officials to exchange information with the Trail Conference.

MK Moore (Metro LTC) has received summer grants to hire staff for maintenance and invasive control.  He reported his area has had 3600 volunteer hours.  Friends of Cortlandt Park offer tours of trails

Hank reported that Americorp name has changed to Conservation Corp. There have been 11 work trips on the Undercliff Trail and the Highlands Trail working on maintenance, building steps and adding stepping stones. Because the Undercliff Trail is so crowded on weekends, the crew works on the Highlands Trail on those days. Hank also reported that next year there may be 2 or 3 crews working in the region. .  Heavily overused trails need attention. Some are completely worn out and need to be addressed.  Walt asked for yearly trail proposal work and progress report.

Andrew (EH LTC) described a short reroute on the Cornish Trail where workers uncovered a series of large stone squares which were unearthed and used as huge stepping stones through a damp area where the trail was moved uphill from a very wet spot.  There are also 3 more reroutes to be done on the Cornish trail.

Jane (Yorktown Supervisor) showed step by step photos of progress made on the new bridge in FDR park which spans a brook and includes ramps through the wet areas on either side of the bridge which replaced a tricky series of wooden pallettes and rocks. 

John Magerlein (Fahnestock supervisor) reported that a bridge destroyed by the hurricane was rebuilt and now washed out again and rebuilt plus a series of stone steps leading to the bridge.

Rose (Lewisboro supervisor) reported on the John Jay High School intern program which ran from May 8 to June 9.  Four seniors worked in several parks under different supervisors totaling 250 hours.  They worked in Old Field Preserve, Teatown, Yorktown FDR, Leon Levy, Onatru and WPRR. Interns created a facebook page to encourage Lewisboro volunteers to take part in maintaining the many parks available to them.

Round Robin

Jane asked for photos of ongoing projects to be added to her powerpoint presentation at meetings.

Again, there was discussion of how to spread out hikers to other areas away from Breakneck to slow down usage, using social media as a possible resource because it seems to be a good way to reach people when other means do not work.

In order, not to conflict with Columbus Day, Jane suggested our next meeting be scheduled for Oct. 2.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 pm, with Hank making the motion and Rose seconding.

