Trail Crew: Rebuilding Long Path Bridge over Plattekill Creek

New and experienced volunteers are needed to help reconstruct the bridge for the Long Path over Plattekill Creek in the Catskill Center's Platte Clove Preserve.  Training, tools and safety equipment are provided. Please bring water, lunch and snacks. Wear sturdy shoes and clothing for the weather of the day. If required, work will also continue on Sunday, June 9th but it is expected that with good weather and turnout that the bridge can be rebuilt in a single day. Please contact Trail Crew Leader Doug Senterman with any questions or for more information. As part of the work, we will be holding a bridge building workshop as part of our Trail University program - Trail U 694: Trail Structures - Bridge.   Work trip is open to the public.  For late registrations, just contact crew leader and follow directions to the site.  We will be working on the bridge throughout the day of the 29th and need assistance throughout the day.     For more information on our Bridge Program in the Catskills, please visit Catskills Bridge Programs Page. - Long Path, Platte Clove Preserve - The trail crew will be meeting at the parking area for the Long Path and Huckleberry Point Trail on Steenburg Road, about 100 yards east of where the Long Path leaves the Catskill Center's Platte Clove Preserve on Platte Clove Road.  For more detailed driving directions, please contact the Trail Crew Leader.
June 29th, 2013 from 10:00 AM to  4:00 PM
Additional worktrip information
Leader Doug Senterman
Project Trail Crew: Rebuilding Long Path Bridge over Plattekill Creek
For more information, contact...
Minimum Age to Attend