Trail Crew: Long Path over Romer Mountain

The trail crew will be working on the new section of Long Path that begins near Phoenicia, continues over Romer Mountain, Mount Pleasant and Cross Mountain and then connects with the Terrace Mountain Trail near the Terrace Mountain Lean-to. Bring work gloves, water, lunch, a pair of loppers, a shovel and friends; we will provide the rest of the tools and training. Beginners are welcome. Work will include trail clearing and tread construction such as side-hilling, waterbars, stone steps and other tread improvements. - Romer Mountain, Phoenicia, NY - We will be parking at the parking area for the future trailhead.  The parking area is located at the end of Lane Street.  From the village of Phoenicia follow Bridge Street over the Esopus River.  After crossing the river, turn right on to High Street.  Follow High Street for approximately 0.5 miles.  Lane Street will be on your left.  Turn on to Lane Street and follow it to the end.  The parking area's access road is to the right at the end of the road and the parking area is located just over a small stream crossing at the end of that short access road. If you need more detailed directions, please contact Andy, the trip leader. You can get directions using this link
October 28th, 2012 from  9:00 AM to  4:00 PM
Additional worktrip information
Project Trail Crew: Long Path over Romer Mountain
For more information, contact...
Minimum Age to Attend