Web Infrastructure Documentation

User Guides:

  1. Website Content Creation and Editing Guide - 3/9/17
  2. Website Style Guide - 3/9/17
  3. How to Create and Edit a Trail Crew Page - 4/10/2017
  4. How to Edit and Create a Member Club Page - 2/15/17
  5. How to Edit and Create a Hike Page
  6. Latitude/Longitude Coordinate Guidelines
  7. How to Edit a Trail Alert - 2/10/17
  8. How to Create a Shop Item
  9. Redmine User Guide - Redmine is used to administer all web infrastructre issues.
  10. How to change the home page hero image

Trails Management & Administration:

  1. Trail Management Overview
  2. How to Manage Trails in the Trails Database - draft
  3. Trails Data Administration: How to Add a Segment and Subregion - draft
  4. Roles Management: Maintainers, Supervisors, Chairs - draft
  5. Updating Information About Volunteers - draft
Note that there is overlap between 2,3 and 4,5. The Technology Committee will be consolidating these docs.

Volunteers Management & Administration:

  1. Overview of Volunteers Management 
  2. How to Create and Edit a Volunteer Opportunity
  3. How to Create and Edit a Volunteer Job Description


All CiviCRM documentation is available from the CiviCRM menu. Click on CiviCRM, and select 'Documentation' tthen 'Trail Conference Documents' to access.