Test site for eCommerce

See http://commerce.dev.nynjtc.org. It ia partially configured. This has no theming and no data from live site. See Drupal Commerce.  See Admin Guide.

It has their Kickstart package installed + a large number of contrib module, some of which we definitely need, some maybe useful, some questionable. (There are others as well and new ones appearing frequently.)


Package Description Type Configured

Commerce ad hoc payment 

Allows a user to add a single payment to an order without going through any processing gateway. For example, if a user pays for an order with cash or a check the admin could add an ad hoc payment to the order with the type "Cash". All ad hoc payments require a comment to be left that describes the payment. Maybe No
Commerce add to cart extras This module provides alternative ways of adding products to cart. No? No
Commerce Cart Ajax  
  1. The “remove” button on cart view removes the item from the cart immediately, without a page refresh. The row is removed from the table.
  2. The “Qty” is updated when the "update" button is clicked. The totals are recalculated. No page refresh.
Yes No
Commerce Checkout Login Drupal Commerce comes with an Account Information pane on the checkout form where anonymous users must specify a contact e-mail address for their orders. This module extends that pane to provide e-mail validation and an inline login form via AJAX. If the e-mail address an anonymous user enters is already associated with a user account, the checkout form will expand with an optional password textfield and login button for immediate login. Maybe No 
Commerce Coupon 

This module provides coupon functionality for Drupal Commerce.

The module is integrated with Rules. The validation and the redemption can be controlled by Rules. Multiple coupon types can be added. Each type can has his own fields.

In combination with Rules you could create coupons:

  • Restricted by user
  • Restricted by roles
  • Restricted by products
  • and many more.
No? No
Commerce Customizable Products

Drupal Commerce allows you to sell customizable products that require customer input when added to the cart. Use cases for this functionality include:

  • Business cards that require contact information and a logo upload.
  • Event registrations that require attendee information.
  • Donations the allow the customer to specify a donation amount.
Yes No
Commerce Email

Commerce Email for Drupal Commerce

- Adds a configuration page for the order email
- Email content can be entered into textarea/wysiwyg (if available) form
- Email content can also be set to be loaded from a template file: commerce-order-email.tpl.php
- Allows the insertion of the order items into the email, token addition: [commerce-email:order-items]
- Supports Commerce Shipping
- Allows different language versions of each email
- Optional administrator email

Yes? No
Commerce Fieldgroup Panes 

This module creates for each field group of the order entity a new checkout pane. These panes can be activated or deactivated as usual.

This enables an easy way to collect information in the checkout process. For example customer comments, information about where the customer founds the shop or any other fieldable information.

Maybe No
Commerce Flat Rate  This module allows you to define any number of flat rate shipping services via the user interface in conjunction with Commerce Shipping 2.x. When you define a new flat rate service, you specify the base rate for it in the add / edit form. You can further modify the base rate (enabling things like weight or quantity based shipping) using rate calculation rules.   Maybe No
Commerce Google Analytics  This is a contribution to Drupal Commerce. This module adds the possibility to send the order data to the Google Analytics service. Yes No
Commerce No Payment

This payment module adds a "No payment required" payment method (for free stuff).

By default, this payment method will be available to all orders. Here are the steps to configure this payment method to only show up for orders with a balance of 0.00.

Maybe No
Commerce Physical Product  Drupal Commerce supports the creation of custom product types that contain the fields you need to describe the products you sell, but the core modules don't define any fields specific to physical products. That sort of functionality is now possible through fields defined by thePhysical Fields project, and this module works with that module to provide API support for physical product types within Drupal Commerce. Yes No
Commerce Product Attributes

This module provides some enhancements to the Drupal Commerce attribute handling.

The improvement contains:

  • Attribute field for line item
  • Edit option for attributes
Yes No
Commerce Product Bundle You can define products that consists of other products. They are all combined in one add to cart form. The form works like the core add to cart form with all the fancy selection and ajax magic. So the customers can make their selections as usual. The difference is, that the products from mulitple reference fields were presented on one add to cart form. Maybe No
Commerce Product Reference View Widget Integrates with View Field http://drupal.org/project/viewfield
Display formatter using commerce vanilla formatter. 
Maybe No
Commerce Registration  Provides Drupal Commerce with the ability to sell registrations via the Registration Entitiesmodule. Maybe No
Commerce Reporting  This is a placeholder module for all of the contrib reporting modules for the Commercemodule. If you'd like to participate, please see the issue queue. Yes? No
Commerce Shipping This module currently handles the calculation of shipping rates within Drupal Commerce on both the checkout and order edit forms. This module does not contain any product ready shipping methods but rather serves as a framework to allow any other module to specify shipping methods and services for use during rate calculation. Yes Yes
Commerce Shipping USPS This module provides a USPS shipping method for the Commerce Shipping module. Currently the Product Type must have a field_weight for it to work. In the future I hope to abstract this better. Maybe No
Commerce Stock This module provides stock management for Drupal Commerce stores Maybe  No
Commerce Addressbook Commerce Addressbook is a module that allows authenticated customers to reuse previously entered addresses during checkout. They can manage all entered addresses in their user panel (user/%user/addressbook). Yes No

Wiki questions, answers, comments - please edit

  1. Time to start configuring to do what we want, e.g. add donation product to see how that works.
  2. Time to decide on shipping method, configure and test.
  3. Kill some options I have loaded
  4. Test anon sales
  5. Configure for more one click process
  6. What reports are needed?
  7. Mark ship and bill addresses the same and see how addresses stored. (FIXED)
  8. Fix tax configuration (got charged in NY)
  9. Configure PayFlow (and other processing
  10. Test a downloadable product
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