2009-01-19 Web Design status meeting

Web Design
Mon, 01/19/2009 - 00:00

Old Business:


1.Agenda modifications



2. Subteam status reports

* Technology (Walt)
* Business model (Ed)
* Content (Georgette)




3. Web redesign status



* Trellon -- Deliverables outstanding ... are we done? Preparing for Friday's strategy call.
* Mail spam -- is it fixed?
* Known obstacles to launch

4. Specific action items requiring discussion.

See http://new.nynjtc.net/meeting/actions

5. Review launch plan and set goals for next week.

See http://new.nynjtc.net/book/nynjtc-web-site-launch-plan

New Business:

Invite someone to next status meeting?

Groups audience: 

Old Business:

Six weeks to launch!

Note ... these minutes are still in rough form -- may not make complete sense ... I'll edit them some more soon. (Ann)

1. Agenda modifications

2. Subteam status reports

* Technology (Walt)

  • DNS switch to new server almost done (some things not working today -- e.g. email to nynjtc
  • performance is still not as good as we expected ... can Trellon help?
  • random theming issues -- some easy to do, some Walt not sure how to do
  • need to replace pictures from Doug -- Drupal puts everything into /files ... can we organize it better? AssetManager module may help us (can generate directories) -- try it out on the test system. Current images put up with ImageAssist -- will they be ok?
  • create consolidated action item for theming issues to make tracking easier
  • breadcrumbs not working consistently (e.g. not in scheduled hikes; different path when Get Involved-Join; is it related to page type (content vs panel) -- how does one turn breadcrumbs on? how to rigorously test site? breadcrumbs, links, etc. (Ask Trellon about breadcrumbs.)
  • undisplay "in Memberships" on Join/Renew page (Action: Walt)
  • "Plan a Hike" instead of "Hike Now" -- work on refining the two pages (go hiking and hike now) -- Ann to work with Georgette on this. "Everything else about hiking" as other topic.
  • Seasonal vs sometimes -- majority vote is for sometimes.
  • new map method using Google iframe -- some anomalies (not always centered, link to driving directions goes to slow path that times out -- next step is for Walt to post problems to Google forums as this is what we'd like to use)
  • Park field in View Hike to be updated with link to our park page. On park page, field exists that will display all hikes in that park (not working yet -- Walt to do)
  • On Hikes -- use link to map sets, not reference to individual hikes. Need to revise all hikes.


* Business model (Ed)

  • Still waiting to hear from Google. Ed sent email asking for status.
  • Trellon status -- plus sign fix still pending; text missing from Overview field in View Hike. (-- need to inform Trellon == Ann to do)

* Content (Georgette)

  • Georgette's added active volunteer page needs theming
  • Calendar issue -- need to add some terms and link to Georgette's page. (Walt)
  • Phil, Gayle and Ken continue to add content. Ken will do regions for the parks he's done. Needs to get someone to vet the descriptions (normally done by Trail Chair).
    Write solicitation for reviewing data.


3. Web redesign status

  • Trellon -- Deliverables outstanding ... are we done?
  • Preparing for Friday's strategy call.
    • Invite Doug and Georgette to join the call.
    • Topics to include:
      • Performance
      • Social networking
      • Content flow
      • Management (permissions, updating, etc.)
  • Mail spam -- is it fixed? (Exchange marks any forms generated by the system as SPAM. Workaround is to move from Spam to inbox. Exchange also marks stuff from optonline if optonline user has spam filtering turned on.) Is this a TrendMicro issue?
  • Known obstacles to launch --
    • e-commerce -- Josh hasn't supplied us content for pages yet. Walt to bring up credit card testing capability this week. Charge to a test account. Ed told Josh we need his stuff by 1:30 next Monday.
    • We also need Catherine's volunteer pages.


4. Specific action items requiring discussion.

See http://new.nynjtc.net/meeting/actions


  • Good reasons for having registered members. (You can, but don't have to track their activity on the site. Allows you to charge more for advertisers. Good to have. Doug feels it's worth the 10% discount. Action: Ed to ask Josh and Doug to decide purchase policy.
  • Overview map issue not solved -- need to revisit and discuss what to do (Next meeting?)
  • Photo credits issue -- assume they are ok and fix if someone complains (disclaimer at page bottom)
  • All things for sale have two prices .. member discount not showing properly.
  • Privacy policy -- Ed to ask Doug to draft and give opinion on opt-in/opt-out policy. Ed modifying Better Business Bureau policy --
  • Issue of hikes that cross state lines -- decision: trailhead determines the state.
  • Drupal will finally implement ability for user to delete himself on Version 7.


4. Review launch plan and set goals for next week.

See http://new.nynjtc.net/book/nynjtc-web-site-launch-plan

New Business:

Invite someone to next status meeting? (Invite Josh and Catherine to Feb. 2 meeting to review what we did with what they gave us.)