2009-03-02 Web Design status call

Web Design
Mon, 03/02/2009 - 00:00

Review launch results and set goals for next week.

Groups audience: 

Ann, Walt, Ken, Ed, Georgette


Old Business:

1. Agenda modifications

Conference call using free conference line

2. Review launch results and set goals for next week.

See http://new.nynjtc.net/book/nynjtc-web-site-launch-plan

Ed to update staffing page with latest changes. Georgette to change staff table for him. (No longer have Help Desk Administrator and Office Assistant.)

Walt: Most of our part of launch is up and under control.

Ann suggests next steps:
1) I suggest we take a week or two to see how the new site is received before making a phase 2 implementation plan. In the meantime, everyone should make their own list of top items they would like in the Phase 2 plan.

2) We need to go through the action items (and the items not yet in action items from the last few status meetings) and make sure we've cleaned up all the phase 1 items.

3) We need to document the site maintenance procedures and add them to the Site Maintainer's Guide -- things like how the site gets set up, how it gets updated, how it gets backed up, what permissions are granted to what user classes, what Trellon does and what we do to maintain the site. (Walt, I'm afraid you have to provide most of the input here.)

4) We need guidelines for new development -- what can we do directly on the live site and what should we prototype and test on our test site first?

* Items for Trellon to do
Ubercart not working ... set up call with Trellon. See Trellon todo list. Ann to call Alonza.

* Open action items
See http://new.nynjtc.net/meeting/actions

* Other launch issues and things needed.
Georgette needs to know how to go back to prior version of something? E.g. scheduled hikes

Need style and editing guidelines ... templates for editing boxes. Stuff to make pages look nice.

Doug's new map ... who will verify links? Ken to do.
Doug's "fixes" doc -- Walt working thru it.
To do: organize images -- they go mostly into /files but not all.

Where does Feedback go? Walt to put link in Web Design group.

New Business:

Ed to drop out of active involvement on the Web Design team.
Contact in Atlanta is not available so Doug is managing AdWords campaign. Give him objectives. Ed will send email to us with his thoughts for comment.
Re: 75 hour engagement. We've consumed 38 hours. ($20k for this project. GW = 20K, 10K for content, 10K for technology)

Next status meeting? -- Phone call next Monday. Everyone to make list of their top items for Phase 2.