2009-05-21 Trellon status call

Web Design
Thu, 05/21/2009 - 00:00

Review status and new work order to redo Join/Renew

Groups audience: 

Ann, Walt, Alonza, Simon


Call with Trellon 5/21/2009

Review current work orders

1. New code delivered for Shipping / Credit Cards
Patches from Marc Ingram -- also identified some bugs in Ubercart that he is reporting.
Another lingering problem in that area we haven't reported yet ... If uncheck "Billing and Shipping are the same", IE (IE 8 and possibly other versions) messes up the CSS and corrupts screen. OK in other browsers.

2. Join/Renew work order -- our highest priority -- do first.

Discuss implementation.
Can we get rid of array addressing of attributes and do it symbolically so we have flexibility going forward.
Ann to get gift specs to Trellon in a few days.

3. Other issues
For Google Analytics ... Title and head 1 tags are important.
Pages with picture as top thing -- can't use h1 if you want to do that.
Text on left with picture on right ... H1 goes in left box. Our attempt to simulate with CSS not working fully. (Two divs in div) Should appear on one line but don't.
Walt to send Trellon details of his example to see if they can make it work.

Discussion of using Twitter.

People declaring themselves as members. Would like to add block on a couple of pages to "Click here to declare yourself a member". Walt doesn't know how to write the PHP. Can Trellon help? Drupal RoleAssign module almost does what you want. Simon will investigate and give estimate.

4. Alonza to send us quotes for above items and hours remaining in our agreement. If we need a strategist to talk to about what-ifs, ask Alonza to set up a call.