2009-11-23 Web Design status meeting

Web Design
Mon, 11/23/2009 - 00:00

Old Business:

1. Subteam status reports

* Office status (Josh)

* Google Analytics and Theming (Doug)

* Business model (Ann)
• Submit 3Q volunteer hours to Ann (or post in table on Web at http://www.nynjtc.org/group/volunteer-hours-spent-web-design-project
• Engaging volunteers ... we have several in the wings right now: Tina Nixon, Jim Gahler, James Starbin, Sean Zinsley, Robert Gulick, William Roehrig. Post any jobs in TW?

• Selling downloadable items - who's in charge and what is proposed?

* Content (Georgette)

  • Add FAQ on how to update member info or get a replacement membership card ?
  • Store info pages from old site.

• Current activities
• Photos do not upload properly in Parks database (they do not automatically resize). Also, there are no fields for info and title as in hikes database.
• Procedure for placing maps on the site and referencing them.

* Technology (Walt)
-- Backup plan
-- Drupal 6
-- Store issues: Ubercart membership process - expiration date processing
-- ebase fields to push to the Web site; synchronization plan

2. Set goals for next couple of weeks
* Walt's priorities
* Other high priority items

3. Specific action items requiring discussion.
See http://nynjtc.org/meeting/actions
Review outstanding actions from prior meeting minutes

New Business:

Meeting schedule:
Next meeting: phone or office next or two weeks ?

Parking lot (for later discussion):


Groups audience: 

Ann, Walt, Georgette, Josh, Doug


Old Business:

1. Subteam status reports

* Office status (Josh)

Josh would like to know plan for Drupal 6 - what resources needed from outside, what new function we can have for office.
No progress yet on streamlining office userids.
Renewal notices going out by email.

* Google Analytics and Theming (Doug)

Ann to make 300x300 picture for park.
Uploading to parks - not working as works for hikes. Also title, photo credit and description fields missing from parks - need to make photo fields look like hikes. (Walt to do)
Doug - working on video format / thumbnails to provide capability on Web site. Move existing content from old site. Link from home page?
Indian Hill and Furnace Loop trails CD is corrupt - need another copy from Walt.
Panel page header pictures in correct width - Doug to do over Thanksgiving holiday.
Analytics - gave some info to Ed re costs - working up metrics to track. Georgette notes that EWalkers yield spikes in traffic. More Twitter and Facebook traffic too. Need at least five daily posts to make social network an effective vehicle.
Google Analytics: 67K visits, 2M impressions (somebody sees ad) in October

* Business model (Ann)

• Submit 3Q volunteer hours to Ann (or post in table on Web at http://www.nynjtc.org/group/volunteer-hours-spent-web-design-project

• Doug - same as last time.

• Engaging volunteers ... we have several in the wings right now: Tina Nixon, Jim Gahler, James Starbin, Sean Zinsley, Robert Gulick, William Roehrig. Ann to set up evening meeting in December if possible.
• Selling downloadable items - who's in charge and what is proposed? (Put on WIBNI list for later discussion.)

* Content (Georgette)

• Current activities: made No Hunting page, updating Parks database, keeping home page current
• Photos do not upload properly in Parks database (they do not automatically resize). Also, there are no fields for info and title as in hikes database. (See item under Theming)

• Procedure for placing maps on the site and referencing them. Use Map content type for any free map. Walt to integrate Gunks region map.

* Technology (Walt)

-- Backup plan - scheme at a2hosting is in place. Walt to attempt install to temp space to validate it is working (refresh our test site).
-- Drupal 6 - Walt to map out initial plan steps. Expect problems with theming. Will check with AMC volunteer re availability.
-- Store issues: Ubercart membership process - expiration date processing
-- ebase fields to push to the Web site; synchronization plan - work with Catherine next week.

2. Set goals for next couple of weeks

* Walt's priorities
* Other high priority items

3. Specific action items requiring discussion.

See http://nynjtc.org/meeting/actions
Review outstanding actions from prior meeting minutes

New Business:

Meeting schedule:
Next meeting: phone or office next or two weeks ? Phone call next week (Georgette & Josh may be in staff meeting that extends into early afternoon)

Parking lot (for later discussion):