2010-03-22 Web Design Technology status call

Web Design
Mon, 03/22/2010 - 00:00

1. Special Topics:

2A. Subteam status reports - first and third Mondays

* Office status (Josh)

* Google Analytics and Theming (Doug)

* Social Networking (Doug-acting)

* Content (Georgette)

* Business model (Ann)

2B. Technology status reports - second and fourth Mondays

-- Current site
-- Drupal 6 (Walt)
-- ebase
-- CRM (Walt -acting)

3. Set goals for next couple of weeks

4. Specific action items requiring discussion.
Review outstanding actions

Meeting schedule:

This is a 5-week month and we have preempted 4/12 for a one-topic call instead of a status call.

Thus we will have the following meeting schedule for the next few weeks:

3/29 -- regular team status call

4/5 -- technology call

4/12 -- special call on how to allow anyone to submit a hike; separate technology to be set up if needed

4/19 regular team status call

4/26 -- technology call

Parking lot (for later discussion):

Groups audience: 

Walt, Ann, Bill


1. Special Topics:

2A. Subteam status reports - first and third Mondays

* Office status (Josh)

* Google Analytics and Theming (Doug)

* Social Networking (Doug-acting)

* Content (Georgette)

* Business model (Ann)

2B. Technology status reports - second and fourth Mondays

-- Current site

Walt working with Ed on Spring annual appeal donation pages.
Walt changed Region template on live site.
Walt to send Bill ftp access info for live site.

-- Drupal 6

Revise project plan -- see updated plan

Use Change Log content type on live site for tracking what we do. Walt to make it accessible on Web Design group page (DONE -- new tab).

Discuss hiring contractor & SOW for work. Identify what we might want contractor do to. Walt to contact Kipp and try to set up a meeting later next week. Get sample contract from him to use as start point for engagement.

Need security certificate for store to work -- Walt to set it up. (Needed for Ubercart to work.)

Panels - to get working, must reconvert since code has changed ... each template needs changes. Once converted, must be careful not to stomp on it.

Views - must be individually touched after moving.

Eric is working on the date conversion stuff on D5. (Replacing Event module with Date module.)

Walt to rebuild test system. Hopefully some problems will go away now that we have more memory on the server.

Walt and Bill to communicate by phone this week re things we'd want Kipp to help with.

Ann to contact Rob to see if he's still interested in working with us.

-- ebase
-- CRM

3. Set goals for next couple of weeks

4. Specific action items requiring discussion.
Review outstanding actions

Meeting schedule:
Next meeting: phone or office? -- see agenda above for coming month's meetings. Next Technology status call is April 5.

Parking lot (for later discussion):