2010-03-22 Web Design Technology status call

Web Design
Mon, 03/22/2010 - 00:00

1. Special Topics:

2A. Subteam status reports - first and third Mondays

* Office status (Josh)

* Google Analytics and Theming (Doug)

* Social Networking (Doug-acting)

* Content (Georgette)

* Business model (Ann)

2B. Technology status reports - second and fourth Mondays

-- Current site
-- Drupal 6 (Walt)
-- ebase
-- CRM (Walt -acting)

3. Set goals for next couple of weeks

4. Specific action items requiring discussion.
Review outstanding actions

Meeting schedule:

This is a 5-week month and we have preempted 4/12 for a one-topic call instead of a status call.

Thus we will have the following meeting schedule for the next few weeks:

3/29 -- regular team status call

4/5 -- technology call

4/12 -- special call on how to allow anyone to submit a hike; separate technology to be set up if needed

4/19 regular team status call

4/26 -- technology call

Parking lot (for later discussion):

Groups audience: