2010-04-26 Web Technology status call

Web Design
Mon, 04/26/2010 - 00:00


1. Special Topics:

Discuss activities we need Kipp to help us with. Identify those that require separate work orders so that we can create the work orders and have Kipp estimate the effort required for those. Assign the list of quick items to him for immediate attention under work order 2010-01 and document the list via email.

2A. Subteam status reports - first and third Mondays

* Office status (Josh)

* Google Analytics and Theming (Doug)

* Social Networking (Doug-acting)

* Content (Georgette)

* Business model (Ann)

2B. Technology status reports - second and fourth Mondays

-- Current site

Status of Eric's effort to extract info Josh needs.

-- Drupal 6 (Walt)

Status of migration effort and work plan for the next week.

See System build plan

-- ebase
-- CRM (Walt -acting)

3. Set goals for next couple of weeks

4. Specific action items requiring discussion.
Review outstanding actions

Meeting schedule:
Next meeting: phone or office?

Parking lot (for later discussion):

Groups audience: 

Walt, Bill, Eric

Status of Minutes: 

We briefly reviewed the known problem areas, with the out of memory problem causing problems with forward progress in many areas. Walt to try or punt to Kipp if simple fix doesn't work.

Eric has looked at Josh's query a little but didn't understand enough to try it. Walt explained a little more about how to use the tools to answer it. Eric will continue working on this.

Bill converted and fixed a few views. Walt will select a few more that might be instructive in uncovering other views that might have problems. No need to do them all as it is a lot of work that will just have to be repeated when we do another reload.

Groups are not showing all the components that they should. Bill will look at this.

After the nits we are working on, we need to look at the Trellon changes and either find a better D6 way of doing them or upgrade them to D6 - mostly theming issues.

Ubercart basically works for u=1, but not others. We will assign this to Kipp as a separate work order once he spends some investigative time on the current work order figuring out what it will take to do it all. As soon as it works well enough to demo to staff, we will look at possible changes that we can now do on D6 that we couldn't on D5 and roll those changes in the work order.

Bill reminded us that css compression is currently off (IE won't work) and that this needs to be turned on and tested.