2010-06-24 Technology/Web Staff discussion

Web Design
Thu, 06/24/2010 - 00:00

See Josh's recap of the discussion below

Groups audience: 

Ed, Josh, Kevin, Ann, Walt


As a recap of yesterday’s conference call:

It was decided that the highest priority of the Technology Committee/Web Committee was to complete the migration of the website from Drupal 5 to Drupal 6.

Included in the migration will be the elimination of the current registration process for ecommerce. Although there is a disagreement between Walt/Ann and Kevin/Josh, the Executive Director has asked for a solution to be found that would enable customers to purchase books or maps or support the TC with a financial gift without becoming a registered user. The technology committee was asked research possible solutions to accomplish this request, including possibly a different ecommerce package. This features is deemed paramount to our ability to successfully increase revenues and keep a healthy financial outlook for the organization.

The second requirement of the migration are the enhanced reporting features of ubercart in D6. The current reporting capacities of ubercart in D5 limit the effectiveness and prohibit efficiencies in work flow for the fulfillment staff.

Ann and Walt believe that there are less than half-a-dozen known issues still remaining to be solved, although they are not documented on the migration project notes on the website. It was not clear if these issues would be documented or what they are.

Walt and Kip will continue the migration work and by the end of July 2010, staff and volunteers will be able to test the new site to search for bugs. The Technology Committee anticipates have the new site going live in early August 2010.

It was also agreed that as the situation permits, the staff and volunteers who are fielding complaint phone calls about the website, will gather additional details and data to be recorded such as date and time, browser type and version, transaction type, and user information.

Josh will also provide Walt and Ann with more detailed information on the technology expenses in the 2009 budget as a basis for 2011.

Josh will also provide Kevin, Walt and Ann with sales information of the past year for analysis.