2010-08-02 Web Design status call

Web Design
Mon, 08/02/2010 - 00:00


1:15-1:30 : Tech team update on Drupal 6 status

Source code control system (prereq for going live)
Rebuild status

What still needs doing
Kipp's work orders - status
Plan for final testing and migration, training and communications

1. Subteam status reports - first and third Mondays -

* Office status (Josh)

* Google Analytics and Theming (Doug)

* Social Networking (Doug-acting)

* Content (Georgette)

* Business model (Ann)

2. Review last meeting's minutes for action items

3. Technology status reports - second and fourth Mondays

-- Current site

-- Drupal 6 (Walt)

-- ebase / CRM (Walt -acting)

4. Set goals for next couple of weeks

5. Meeting schedule: weekly calls until launch?
Next meeting: phone or office?

6. Parking lot (for later discussion):

Groups audience: 

Josh, Bill, Walt, Ann, Georgette


1:15-1:30 : Tech team update on Drupal 6 status

Source code control system (prereq for going live)

-- waiting for reply from Kipp. Walt doesn't understand how code changes get pushed to live systems.

Rebuild status

Bill solved problem of wrong images for anonymous users (flushed caches).
Walt didn't get anything done this week. Didn't offload anything to Kipp.
Aug 20-30 office short staffed. Not good time for testing.
Fedex stuff doesn't work ... Walt investigated some this week and did a lot of other stuff.
Walt promises to do it this week. Will start after this call.
What still needs doing

Kipp's work orders - status --

Ann working with Josh on reports. Still waiting for input from Kevin on membership page.
Plan for final testing and migration, training and communications

Walt still to turn over other projects from last week's call.

1. Subteam status reports - first and third Mondays -

* Office status (Josh)

Re: feedback ... "has my order shipped?" don't do in real time. Marking it complete is batched right now. 2-3 day window.
Priority is to test D6 as soon as possible.
Workshop registration forms: make mailing address and phone required fields. Walt to look at it.

* Google Analytics and Theming (Doug)

* Social Networking (Doug-acting)

* Content (Georgette)

Need house ad for sponsor blocks - get from Doug
Facebook page has tab for Google Analytics ... what's it for? (Ask Doug) Want to make Volunteer tab more prominent (switch the order).
Missing emergency numbers ... "call 9-1-1"

* Business model (Ann)

Volunteer hours: Walt 20% less than 1Q.

2. Review last meeting's minutes for action items

3. Technology status reports - second and fourth Mondays

-- Current site

Trail maintenance forms ... work with trails people and new Web volunteer to provide capability on Web - Walt to get trails folks to engage with us.

-- Drupal 6 (Walt)

-- ebase / CRM (Walt -acting)

4. Set goals for next couple of weeks
5. Meeting schedule: technology call next week

Next meeting: phone or office?

6. Parking lot (for later discussion):