Kickoff D7 planning

Web Design
Wed, 01/04/2012 - 00:00


Groups audience: 

Walt, Georgette, BIll, Mark, Melissa, Josh

Status of Minutes: 
  1.  Need to decide whether to move to a bigger box or to the Cloud: Walt to get info/estimates from Aquia and work with Mark
  2. Decide whether to use Responsive Design, for mobile access; get Doug involved (need to consider SWFs, ad placements)
  3. Need to ID  existing ‘cruft’ (useless, excessive, non-working, or confusing stuff) on website and fix or delete:
    • Permissions (Walt)
    • Content types (Walt)
    • Blocks (GW)
    • Modules (Walt & Bill)
    • Files & Images procedures/standards (Bill)
    • Content (GW, MB, and others)
    • Decide what should be archived (Josh, GW, others)
  4. What new content/service categories need to be added (Josh, GW, MB, others): ex, new e-products, event registration
  5. Pre-migration: ID and save anything on web that is only on web and save on server
  6. Target Launch Date: June 30, 2012
  7. Will meet weekly by phone on Wednesdays at 10am: Call in number: (218) 844-8230; Call in code: 742718#