Trail Conference Action Team Application

The Trail Conference is an organization powered by volunteers. This means it’s crucial our volunteer programming supports you and fosters positive experiences for all volunteers.  

We recently assessed the volunteer experience and the generated data provided valuable insight that will help shape the future of our volunteer programming. Full results of the assessment can be viewed at
Now we are seeking to engage a diverse group of volunteers in leadership roles on a variety of new Action Teams that will help bring the Trail Conference to the next level. Please consider sharing your time, expertise, and enthusiasm to make a difference! Application below.

What are Action Teams?

We’re creating teams of volunteers that will each work on a particular project, program or problem.

Teams will work with staff on reviewing data from the assessment, current practices and materials relevant to their designated topic in order to identify possible changes. Together they will create new or improve existing procedures and resources while using transparent and open processes.

These working groups will be a key part of shaping the future of our volunteer programming.

Don’t have the time to commit to being on an action team but still want to provide input? Sign up to be a consultant and teams will tap you for your knowledge and expertise along their journey.


Action Team Opportunities

Hours and Accomplishments Reporting: We’re developing online reporting so volunteers can more easily submit and track all of the effort and hours they put in. Join this team to inform the reporting system, test it, help conduct a pilot and ultimately roll it out to the entire volunteer base.

Volunteer Recognition and Events: The amazing work volunteers do should be met with equal amounts gratitude. We also know that you want more opportunities to meet other volunteers who share your passion. Join this team to plan events meant to bring volunteers together, implement new recognition programs, and help with the annual Volunteer Appreciation Event.

Recruitment and Onboarding: We’ve been working to improve our volunteer recruitment and onboarding processes and are seeing positive results. But we need your help to bring things to the next level! Join this team if you want to ensure all interested and new volunteers have a great experience from the moment they first make contact with the Trail Conference.

More teams will be rolled out over time to address more topics and programs. If these three opportunities aren’t a fit for you then keep an eye out for other opportunities in the future.


Contact 1

We will contact you within 5 business days.