Trail Project Approval Process

Trail Project Approval Processes

When the Trail Conference agrees to maintain additional trails or to carry out trail work beyond normal maintenance, it is important to ensure that:

  • The Trail Conference has appropriate agreements in place with the land manager under which the Trail Conference will build and maintain trails and has the ability to refer to approvals to address any future issues of permission or liability.
  • The Trail Conference has the resources to maintain the trails and carry out the planned work.
  • Any planned trail work conforms to the rules and processes of the land manager and the Trail Conference.
  • Information about the changes is updated in the Trail Conference trail database, maps, and publications.

The three processes described below provide guidance for adopting a new park where we will maintain trails, adopting trails in an area where we already maintain trails, and carrying out a trail construction project beyond normal maintenance. A particular project may require one or more of these processes. For each process, the project manager, typically the Chair or Supervisor, works with the Program Coordinator to carry out the process.

Park Adoption Process

This Trail Conference process should be followed if the Trail Conference is agreeing to adopt trails in a new park or area where we do not already have an agreement with the land manager to build and maintain trails. It is also used if we will cease working on trails in an entire park or area. The process, which ensures that we have an appropriate agreement in place and that we have the resources to work in the new area, must be completed before either of the other two processes can be finalized. This process is normally initiated by the Chair for the area in which the park is located.

If you wish to adopt a park, you should discuss with your Program Coordinator. The Park Adoption Process Description describes issues you should consider in deciding to adopt a new park. If you and the Program Coordinator agree to adopt the park, the Program Coordinator must see that a new park page is created in the trail database according to these instructions.

Trail Adoption Process

This Trail Conference process should be followed if the Trail Conference intends to maintain a new trail or close/abandon a trail in an area where we maintain trails. This process is normally initiated by the Chair for the area in which the trail is located.

If you wish to adopt a new trail or to close or abandon a trail, you should discuss with your Program Coordinator. The Trail Adoption Process Description describes issues you should consider in deciding to adopt a new trail. If you and the Program Coordinator agree to adopt the trail, the Program Coordinator must see that the trail database is updated.

Trail Construction Approval Process

Both the land manager and the Trail Conference must agree for trail work beyond that outlined in the Trail Maintenance Manual. The Trail Construction Approval Process Description provides guidance for how to proceed. The primary responsibility rests with the project manager, typically the Chair or Supervisor who is responsible for the project. The necessary steps vary widely depending on the nature of the project and the established standards in a particular region. Land manager approval is always required and should be documented. A simple project requested by the land manager may require just documenting the request and updating the trail database if necessary when the work is complete. A complex project might require submitting a land manager approval form, getting drawings approved, obtaining permits, and finding a way to pay for materials.

In many cases, the project manager, land manager, and Program Coordinator may work through the process by exchanges of email. When the project is complete, the Program Coordinator must see that the trail database, maps, and publications are updated.

A web form, which guides the project manager through the process and allows the attachment of forms and photos, is available and is especially recommended for larger and more complex projects. This form is easy for trail chairs, supervisors, or other project managers to complete. A list of submitted trail construction approval forms is also available. Completed forms are stored on the website and can easily be retrieved.

Last updated 6/14/2021