The New York-New Jersey Trail Conference’s Terrestrial Invasives Strike Force (TISF) crew has been hard at work targeting an infestation of invasive sticky sage near the Appalachian Trail corridor in Dover, NY. With only three known occurrences in the entire United States, sticky sage is a prime example of an emerging invasive species.
The crew has been working on this management project in earnest for over 3 years and has since seen very promising results from their efforts! The goal is to come up with a strategic plan to contain the infestation and ultimately eradicate the species from the region. Through management and eradication, this project aims to protect the area’s plant diversity, promote the success of native species, and prevent the spread of sticky sage up and down the east coast along the Appalachian Trail.
In addition to the TISF crew, the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference’s Conservation Dogs also assist with this project. The dogs help survey for boundaries (since they cover far more ground far faster) and locate plants in less dense areas.
We would especially like to thank Stancy Duhamel, Co-Chair of the Harlem Valley Appalachian Trail Conservancy and member of the Duell Hollow Conservation Association, for everything she has done and continues to do to make this project a success. Stancy has been involved with the management of sticky sage for many years now and has worked with everyone from the National Park Service to our team at the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference (and more) in the process.
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